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职务 Enterprise Mentor


Li Yongzhou


Name:  Li Yongzhou

Enterprise Mentor



Founder of ZKMC, initiator of the ZKMC science popularization public welfare plan, "China Youth Entrepreneurship Mentor" of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, entrepreneurship mentor of China Science and Technology Consulting Association of the Ministry of Science and Technology, visiting professor and entrepreneurship mentor at multiple universities. With more than 20 years of experience in business operation and management, he is good at scientific and technological innovation enterprise project diagnosis, strategic planning, top-level architecture design, investment and financing layout, etc., and is a special consultant for many large enterprises and industrial real estate developers.

As a consultant for many technology enterprises, he guides and incubates many growing enterprises; teaches college students innovative entrepreneurship as a general required course, combining theoretical lectures with case analysis, experience sharing with entrepreneurial practice; has been teaching in regional incubation carriers for a long time, evaluating projects related to innovation carriers, entrepreneurial funding, talent subsidies, etc.; has taught entrepreneurs many times, and has exchanged and shared ideas on issues such as how to further promote the new model of mass entrepreneurship and innovation services, and how the enclave economic model empowers industries and talents.


