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职务 Guest Professor


Prof. Dr. Günter Hofbauer


Name:Prof. Dr. Günter Hofbauer

Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany



Since 1999: Professor at THI
1986-1999: Thirteen years of industry experience in sectors such as automotive, telematics, components, plant engineering and rolling stock management
Functions and management positions in B2B and international OEM trade in areas such as product management, sales, head of marketing and director of international mergers and acquisitions projects in international corporations
Member of the Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN), Brussels
ERTICO Committee Member, Intelligent Transport Systems, Brussels
Executive degree at Darden University of Virginia (USA) on "Creating Successful Alliances and Partnerships"
Doctorate (Dr. rer. pol.) at the University of Regensburg: Degree: Diplom-Kaufmann


