FromAugust21 to 23,the 2ndInternationalWorkshop onExcellent Cases forSchools Offering MBADegree Programswas successfully heldin Shenzhen.This event was hosted bythe China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee, the Association of Chinese Graduate Education, the School of Economics and Management (Shenzhen Institute), Tsinghua University, and the China Business Case Center. Over60scholars from schools/universities that offerMBAdegree programs participated in this event.
The opening ceremony as hosted byMs. ZiqianZhao, Administrative Director of China Business Case Center.Keynote speakers are Ms. Ping Wang, Director of China National MBA Education Supervisory Committee, Prof. Jizhen Li, Associate Dean of Tsinghua SEM, Prof. Lin Lu, ANTAI College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Prof. Andreas Schotter, Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, Prof. Min Hang, School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University, and Associate Prof. Hao Chen, Business School, Shenzhen Technology University.
Hao’s speech is“Case Development and Teaching Characteristics in China and Abroad”. Sheprovidedher insights based on her case writing and teachingexperiences. She shared her understanding of the different types of teaching cases, e.g., standardized teachingcases, brief and quickcases, video cases, etc. She also pointed out that in the process of publishing teaching cases, especially China-based cases, authors should pay attention to topic selection, case manuscript design, and teaching notes design.Specialattention should also be paid to language differences and contextual factors that could bring challenges to Chinese authors.

Author:Hao CHEN
Research Center: Business Case Center
The photosand part of the contents are reproduced from the following Chinese news report: