On July 3, 2023, Business School held the 63rd SZTU Forum: “The Path and Practice with Respect to Commercialization of Innovative Scientific and Technological Achievements – A Comparative Perspective Home and Abroad” at C5-116. Mr. ZHANG Zhang, Secretary-General of the International Technology Transfer Collaboration Network (ITTN), was the speaker guest of the forum invited by Professor Jiang Qingyun.
Mr. Zhang Zhang is the Secretary-General of the International Technology Transfer Professional Committee of the China Association for International Cooperation in Science and Technology, the Secretary-General of the International Technology Transfer Cooperation Network (ITTN), the Chairman of the Beijing Wuzhou Integrated Innovation Industry Strategy Research Institute, the Vice Chairman of the China Science and Technology Assessment and Achievement Management Research Association, and the Executive Chairman of the Beijing International Technology Exchange Alliance (NICTC). He has promoted ITTN to establish an international technology transfer cooperation network covering 610 institutions in 35 countries, and has undertaken more than 26 special work of intergovernmental international technology transfer cooperation platform mechanisms such as the BRICS Technology Transfer Center and the China-Italy Technology Transfer Center entrusted by the Ministry of Science and Technology and other central ministries and commissions, and implemented nearly 3,000 overseas innovative technology projects every year.
At the same time, Associate Professor Regina LIN Fangying, Assistant Professor YANG Qiulin, Assistant Professor LIU Yijiao, Assistant Professor Daniel Berg and Assistant Professor XU Xin were invited to participate in the forum. Relevant leaders of the Department of Scientific Research and University-Enterprise Cooperation, the Strategic Planning and Development Office, as well as teachers from Julong College and College of Big Data and Internet also attended the forum.
The lecture began with a speech on "Innovation and Artificial Intelligence – Impact on University Education", presented by Professor Holger Haldenwang, the Honorary Dean of Business School. From the aspects of artificial intelligence and the impact of artificial intelligence on education, he pointed out that artificial intelligence will be the future development direction, an opportunity as well as a challenge, and human beings are still the key determinants of peaceful development.

Picture 1. Professor Holger Haldenwang is giving the speech
Then, Mr. Zhang Zhang gave a speech on "The Path and Practice with Respect to Commercialization of Innovative Scientific and Technological Achievements – A Comparative Perspective Home and Abroad ". Firstly, he introduced the development history of ITTN. After that, the basic background and current construction of the policy of transformation of scientific and technological achievements in China were introduced. Through case studies, the comparative explanation of China and the United States in terms of achievement transformation and transfer data was carried out.

Picture 2. Mr. Zhang is giving the speech
Secondly, Mr. Zhang shared the background and development status of technology commercialization, from the establishment of the Bayh-Dole Act in the United States to the issue of patent ownership, to understand the changes in the nature of power and the role of supply and demand in the technology transfer path, and analyzed the bottlenecks faced by domestic technology commercialization, and further shared the current domestic pilot to further promote the commercialization of technology by giving university researchers the right to use technology on their own.
Finally, Secretary General Zhang also shared the models of well-known overseas technology transfer institutions, including the Stanford University Technology Transfer Office (OTL) and the MIT Global Industry Liaison Program (MIT-ILP). At the same time, with the inclusion of technical managers as a new occupation in the National Occupational Classification Dictionary, our students can make a career planning and may find out more about the ability evaluation system of being a technical manager. In the exchange session, teachers and students actively raised various questions, such as what role should the university researchers play in the enterprise in the process of technology transformation, etc., and Mr. Zhang kindly shared his opinions, which benefited the listeners a lot.

Picture 3. Exchange session
Text: Dean Office of Business School
Picture: Business School, Scientific Research and University-Enterprise Cooperation Office