June 21, 2024,14:00 to 15:30, Dr. Li Xiang, Managing Partner of United Zhonghe Real Estate Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd., gave a keynote speech for the Finance and Capital Market Lecture. Dr. Li Xiang gave a detailed report on the development trend ofoverseas Mergers andAcquisitions(M&A), valuation methods andassets valuationcases analysis, and the career development path of valuers.
Dr. Li Xiang is an expert of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Ministry of Finance, an audit expert of the Beijing State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the Beijing Municipal Office of Cultural Affairs, and an expert of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the Beijing Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.He is also an adjunct professoratthe School of Economics and Management of Beijing Jiaotong University, adjunct professoratthe School of Finance of Jilin University of Business Administration, part-time lectureratthe MBA Center of the School of Business Administration of Hunan University, and supervisor of master's degree students of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law;He is also a member of the Expert Committee of Internal Control Managers of the Training Center of the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences.
At the same time, Dr. Li Xiang is also a member of the Industry Development Strategy Committee of the Beijing Association of Appraisersand a practising member of the Royal Institution of Surveyors (RICS)andChairman Examiner of China.He is a practicing member of the International Association of Business Valuation Analysts (IACVA), a member of the education team and a case examiner; Hong Kong Certified Public Accountant;a fellowshipmember of the Association of International Accountants (AIA);aRegistered Member of the Institute of Public Accountants of Australia IPA;aICBRR member of the Global Association of Risk Management Professionals (GARP) (International Accreditation for Banking Risk and Regulation);amemberofChina M&A DealerandKorean M&A Dealer(KA&MA);aSenior Credit Manager;aSenior Management Accountant in China.
Dr. Li Xiang has been deeply involved in the M&A and valuation industry for a long time, and has presided over and participated in a series of M&A and restructuring projects such asleadingseveral Hong Kong stock listings and overseas mergers and acquisitions. He presided over and participated in the due diligence of several well-known domestic investment institutions and nearly 100 projects, and participated in the investment decision-making meeting for project analysis and presentation.

Figure :Dr. Li Xiang
This forum focuses on the review and outlook of China's overseas M&A, the theoretical basis and methodology of valuation, and practical case analysis. Under the "new normal" of intensifying trade frictions and geopolitical tensions, Chinese companies have adopted a "systematic M&A strategy with Chinese characteristics". The three advantages of the "China model" are very obvious: First, the resource advantage, which fully mobilizes the huge wealth accumulated by government departments and private enterprises. The second is the efficiency advantage, which replicates the "China speed" and low-cost operation model to the world. The third is the confidence advantage, with the rapid development of the domestic economy and the increasing confidence of enterprises, overseas investment is not only in line with the policy guidance but also the trend of the industry. However, the post-cross-border integration process is highly complex, andmanyobstacles such as differences in business philosophy and cultural conflicts need to be resolved, which makes many Chinese companies aiming overseas suffer from both gains and losses. In particular, valuers who understand the characteristics of the industry and the differences in the overseas business environment are particularly scarce. Therefore, this forum not only allows students to understand overseas M&A trends and valuation methodologies, but also helps students understand the characteristics of this industry and career development.

Figure : students
Review: Jack Woo