Liu Yijiao, thefaculty member from Business School,paid a visit to Rihao Enterprise. The purpose of this visit was to understand the internship situation of students and exchange cooperation opportunities with the enterprise.
The head of RihaoGroup warmly welcomed the visit from our faculty member. Ms. Shao,from the Human Resources Department ofRihao,introduced the company's business toProfessorLiu.Rihaois committed to becoming a pioneer in modernizing the governance capabilities of financial governance systems. With a wide range of business operations,Rihaohas developed into a financial consulting group. Currently, the company has multiple business modules, including tax consultant firm,certifiedpublicaccountants,technologycompany, consulting company and engineering cost consulting company.
During the visit,ProfessorLiuvisitedvarious departments of the company to gain an in-depth understanding of their work. As aformerFinancial Consulting Department Manager at Nathan Associates, a consulting firm in Washington, D.C., United States,ProfessorLiu showed great interest inRihao's consulting services. During the exchange,sheasked relevant questions aboutRihao's consulting business. Ms. Shao answered the inquiriesin detailand provided a detailed introduction to thesituationsand advantages ofRihao's consulting services.Rihao's consultingbusinessrequires the application of management andpartiallawknowledge, which is a competency possessed by studentsfrombusiness school.
RihaoGroup attaches great importance to employee training and learning,and providesalarge number oflearning resources such as professional courses on learning platforms and well-organized policy documents on their official accounts. This greatly facilitates employees'self-learning and information retrievalabilities. Additionally, many ofRihao's businessesdealwith government departments, providing valuableexperiencefor studentswhoaspireto work in the government sector.
Currently, Lin Lixue is an intern atRihao's Audit Business Center. In her daily work, she is responsible for sorting vouchers, preparing confirmationrequests, drafting simple working papers, handling data and assisting withtaking stock of assets. The audit internship has improved her financial expertise and significantly enhanced her teamwork and communication skills. Through her internship experience, she has come to realize the importance of integrating theory with practice.Observing and thinking morecan help totruly benefit and achieveresults from studies. Lin Lixueexpresses heartfelt gratitude to the school and the company for the internship opportunity, whichenabledher to continuously improve her personal qualities and experience personal growth.
Through visits and in-depthcommunication, Professor Liu collected opinions and suggestions from the company regarding student internships and talent development. This willfurtherclarifybusinessschool's teaching direction and optimize the talenttrainingmodel. Furthermore, both the university and the company hope to strengthen cooperation in the future to jointly cultivate outstanding talents.

Picture from Left to right: Lin Lixue, Liu Yijiao, Shao Lin
Articleand Picture: Lin Lixue and Liu Yijiao
Review: Liu Yijiao