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Dr. Jack Woo was appointed as mentor in the HKICPA Mentorship Programme for the term 2024-2025

Date:Mar 22, 2024 16:06Source: ClickTimes:

Dr. Jack Woo, Associate Professor at SZTU Business School, has been an active member ofHong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants(HKICPA). HKICPAis internationally recognized as a world class, top quality professional body that serves the business community and public interest of Hong Kong and contributes to the sustainable development of Hong Kong as a leading international business and financial centre.

To provideinvaluable opportunity for aspiringyoungCertified Public Accountants(CPAs)to enrich their individual learning and growth through a "personalized" development opportunity to address individual learning needs, HKICPA has put in place a mentorship program. Dr. Jack Woo was appointed as mentor in the HKICPA Mentorship Programme for the term 2024-2025. As a mentor, Dr. Jack Wooprovidesaccess to independent and objective perspectives and helps mentees to broaden their mindsets in pursuing their career direction and advancement. The objective of the Institute's Mentorship Programme is to offer aspiring CPAs the opportunity to learn from experienced members for the purpose of their career development through consultation and experience sharing.

A mentor-mentee relationship is built on mutual respect and trust. The scope of mentoring includes, among other things, essential skills of a successful CPA on professional and ethical behaviour, problem-solving, decision-making and self-management. Anything discussed during the mentor-mentee relationship is to be maintained confidential.

WeappreciateDr.Jack Woo’s active engagement in the development of young CPAs, and his effort and aspiration in the social contribution.

Figure 1: Dr. Jack Woo, Ph.D., EDBA, CPA, ACCA
