2023 Guangdong Social Sciences Annual Conference
(Shenzhen Technology University Session)
Sep. 23 2023
Digital Transformation of Guangdong Enterprises and China’s Modernization
Shenzhen, Guangdong – International Academic Exchange Center 1034 Hotel of Shenzhen Technology University
Chinese-style modernization is socialist modernization led by the Communist Party of China. The Communist Party of China has always insisted that high-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. Development is the most important task for the party to govern and rejuvenate the country. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out: “Accelerate the development of the digital economy, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and create a digital industrial cluster with international competitiveness. Optimize infrastructure layout, structure, function and system integration to build a modern infrastructure system.”
The 2023 Guangdong Social Sciences Annual Conference (Shenzhen Technology University Session), hosted by the Guangdong Social Sciences Association and organized by the Business School of Shenzhen Technology University, will be held on September 23, 2023, in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province with the theme of "Digital Transformation of Guangdong Enterprises and China’s Modernization".
01 Conference Arrangement
Date: September 23, 2023
Location: International Academic Exchange Center 1034 Hotel of Shenzhen Technology University, Pingshan District, Shenzhen
Theme: Digital Transformation of Guangdong Enterprises and China-style Modernization
1. Digital transformation of Guangdong's manufacturing industry
2. Digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Guangdong
3. Digital transformation and sustainable development of enterprises in Guangdong
4. Digital governance of enterprises in Guangdong
5. Data asset management and legal protection
6. Digital education and talent management
7. Digital marketing and brand management
8. Knowledge management and digital transformation of enterprises
9. Enterprise digital transformation and innovation
10. Enterprise digitalization and value chain management
11. Digital transformation policy research
12. International comparative study of digital transformation
02 Meeting Agenda and Guest Arrangement
Keynote presentations + Symposia
(More details will be published in later notice.)
03 Organization
Sponsor: Guangdong Social Sciences Association
Organizer: Business School, Shenzhen Technology University
Co-organizers: Industry and Information Technology Bureau of Pingshan District, Shenzhen Municipality, and Shenzhen Industrial Intelligence Industry Digital Integration Development Promotion Center.
04 Notice on Conference Submission
Papers should abide by academic norms and academic ethics, and each unpublished paper should not exceed 8,000 words. English papers should provide corresponding Chinese translations.
(I) The Format of Paper
1. The paper is typeset on A4 type paper (format size of 210mm×297mm), with a sky head (upper white edge) ≥ 35mm, a foot (lower white edge) ≥ 30mm, a staple (left white edge) ≥ 26mm, and a flip (right white edge) ≥ 26mm.
2. In the upper left corner of the first page of the paper, the theme of the branch is indicated in 12-point type, FangSong font.
3. Title: The title is in 16-point size, SimSun font, and the subtitle is in 15-point size, SimSun font.
4. Author: In 15-point size, KaiTi font.
5. Abstract: The word "abstract" is in 12-point type, SimHei font, and the abstract content is in 12-point type, KaiTi font.
6. Keywords: "Keywords" is in 12-point type, SimHei font, and the keyword content is in 12-point type, SimSun font. Multiple keywords should be separated by the space.
7. Body: The ordinal number of the body structure hierarchy is“一、”“(一)”“1.”“(1)”. The first layer (first-level headings) is in 12-point type, SimHei font; The second level (second-level headings) is in 12-point type, KaiTi font; The third layer (third-level headings) is in 12-point type, bold with SimSun font; The content is in 12-point type, SimSun font.
8. Comments: Use footnotes and number each page separately to annotate comments; If there are multiple comments per page, use “(1)(2)(3) ...” label serial number; The content of the note is marked at the bottom of the page in 9-point type, SimSun font.
9. References: List references after the body of the paper; The characters of "References" are in 12-point type, SimHei font, and the content is in 12-point type, SimSun font; If there are multiple references, use “[1], [2], [3]...” label serial number.
10. Author information: The characters of "Author information" are in 12-point type, SimHei font; The content is in 12-point type, SimSun font; List the information in the order as Name, Gender, Organization, Position/Title, Contact Number, Mailing Address, and E-mail Address.
11. Page number: Page number is in Arabic numerals "1", "2", "3"... labled in the middle of the footer and center at the bottom.
(Note: The Chinese paper format template in Word please refer to the Attachment.)
(II) Paper Submission Requirement
1. The full text of paper must be original. The file format is in Word, and the submission deadline is September 5, 2023.
2. Please name the paper in "paper title + name of the first author + organization". Please send the paper to the email liuying@sztu.edu.cn with the subject name "2023 Guangdong Social Sciences Annual Conference - Thesis Title".
3. Please be sure to name the paper and the subject of email according to the above naming rules to avoid any omission. Thank you for your cooperation.
05 Registration Method
Conference fee: Free
Please scan the QR code below to submit the registration application before September 5, 2023, and please ensure the submitted information is accurate.

06 Contact Us
Ms. Liu
Shenzhen Technology University
E-mail: liuying@sztu.edu.cn
Tel: 0755-23256610
Business School
Aug 10, 2023