Cultivation of Talents

2021-2022 Craftsman Star Winners of the Business School

Date:May 13, 2022 11:40Source: ClickTimes:

In the 2021

Business School students are conscientious, hardworking,diligent

Let's get to know Winner of Advanced Individual "Craftsman Star"

First Prize:

First of all, I am very grateful to the teachers and students of the college for their support and trust. I am very happy and honored to receive the first prize, which is an affirmation of my efforts in the past, and will also encourage me to work harder in my future studies. I will continue to work hard to improve myself and live up to the expectations of teachers and students.

——Zhou Lingyu

Second prize:

Learning shouldn’t be about hoarding knowledge like saving gold coins, it’s more about being a different type of person with a different mindset, and the process is more important than the result. I think the key is: find what we think is really important, and be happy and fully committed to it.

——Tan Haiyi

I am honored to receive the honor of Craftsman Star, and I will share some of the pits that my seniors have stepped on. I hope that the juniors will not become ddl fighters. The task will be solved in time, and don't always think about procrastinating until the last week. Or it takes a day to complete it, which will become very anxious in the later stage, and the quality of the output will often not be very high. There is more sleep (referring to less stay up late)! Having a good mental state is really important to improve learning efficiency~

——He Xinyang

Scholarships are an affirmation of past efforts and new expectations for the future. Winning the "Craftsman Star" scholarship is a kind of affirmation and encouragement for me, but the honor only represents the past, and the future still needs to work hard. Diligence can make up for my humbleness, and God rewards hard work. In my future university life, I will think diligently, reflect more, and demand myself with stricter standards to achieve all-round personal development.

——Li Huiru

This time is a test of my first-stage learning and practical results. Knowing that I will pay off will give me enough motivation to strive for more. In the process of learning and practice, it is recommended that you try anything you are interested in, because by constantly trying new things and trial and error, you can understand yourself better, so that you will not have regrets, and you will be more clear about the next path.

——Lin Yiling

Third Prize:

This time is a test of my first-stage learning and practical results. Knowing that I will pay off will give me enough motivation to strive for more. In the process of learning and practice, it is recommended that you try anything you are interested in, because by constantly trying new things and trial and error, you can understand yourself better, so that you will not have regrets, and you will be more clear about the next path.

——Wu Zeyao

This time is a test of my first-stage learning and practical results. Knowing that I will pay off will give me enough motivation to strive for more. In the process of learning and practice, it is recommended that you try anything you are interested in, because by constantly trying new things and trial and error, you can understand yourself better, so that you will not have regrets, and you will be more clear about the next path.

——Sun Yijia

This time is a test of my first-stage learning and practical results. Knowing that I will pay off will give me enough motivation to strive for more. In the process of learning and practice, it is recommended that you try anything you are interested in, because by constantly trying new things and trial and error, you can understand yourself better, so that you will not have regrets, and you will be more clear about the next path.

——Liu Xiaohua

Personally, I am not keen on making friends, and prefer to be alone, so my social circle is relatively small, and I didn’t have the opportunity to participate in some team competitions at first, but students like me don’t need to feel discouraged, they can be active in class first Speak up, actively participate in some individual competitions, and shine in other places. Naturally, many excellent students will invite you to participate in some team competitions, but it will be better if you can actively find excellent students to cooperate in competitions~

——Li Zhenying

I am honored to participate in winning the third prize of Craftsman Star. Personally, I have always adhered to the concept of both play and learning, and allocate appropriate time for play and learning, which is conducive to the combination of work and rest, and better efforts. Of course, it is also very important to do a good job of time management and allow flexibility in the plan, which is helpful for us to deal with emergencies, solve emergencies calmly and smoothly, and develop better.

——Liu Zechen

During this year, the knowledge I have learned comes not only from professional textbooks, but also from teachers and classmates around me. I feel very lucky and grateful for this. Winning this scholarship is not only an affirmation of my past study and social practice, but also a support and encouragement for my future study and work. I believe that I will also face the difficulties and challenges that I may face in my future study and life with a more active and hard-working state!

- Weng Ziman

First of all, I am very grateful to the teachers of the school and college for their affirmation and support, my family, my friends, and myself, for making the first academic year of the university a proud end. There is still a long way to go in the future, work hard to shine, to be your own sun, not to be illuminated.

——Luo Chuni

It's an honor to receive an award. For me, it has been an experience of constant learning and reflection, and I have benefited immensely from it.

In fact, the most important thing in college is to understand the path you are taking. You should pay more attention to your own development, to be able to do things with a calm mind, to sit still and read books, and to think and introspect more. In the usual study, learn to gradually build a systematic thinking mode and knowledge framework.

Don't refuse to start changing because of fear of failure, but learn to adapt to the new environment, gradually plan your own development path, learn to accept your own shortcomings, discover your own shortcomings, and work hard to change and try.

The track of life is never-ending, and I hope that I can experience and explore as much as possible.

——He Jiahong

Great people are great role models

Good Habits Create a Bright Future

Believe in these brilliant business school students

Will inspire students to improve their enthusiasm for self-improvement

Will lead the business school to a better future

Text: Craftsman Star Winner and Chen Lening
