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Guest Lecture │Trends in Artificial Intelligence Development and Its Impact on Marketing

Date:Feb 26, 2025 11:31Source: ClickTimes:

On the afternoon of December 6, 2024 (Friday) at 14:00, a guest lecture was successfully held in Room D3-205A. The event featured Mr. Yunya Li, Vice President of Human Resources and Administration at Yita Technology, as the keynote speaker. Mr. Li delivered an insightful and inspiring lecture on artificial intelligence (AI) development trends to the Marketing Program students of the Class of 2022.

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At the beginning of the lecture, Mr. Li emphasized the critical role of technological innovation in accelerating GDP growth. He then provided a comprehensive review of the development trajectory of artificial intelligence and large AI models. His explanation delved into the value of AI in industry applications, its realization pathways, competitive landscape, industry penetration, and marketing scenarios.

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Mr. Li discussed the emergence of the Digital Marketing 3.0 era. He advised marketing students to understand this new paradigm’s core features and six key trends to better adapt to evolving user behaviours, social media dynamics, channel shifts, and corporate marketing objectives, functions, and tools. Digital marketing, which has evolved from one-way data dissemination to personalized marketing, focuses more on two-way user interactions. AI technology enhances data analysis and decision optimization, making marketing activities more precise and efficient. Companies must continually improve their professional capabilities, monitor market trends, and formulate sound marketing strategies. Mr. Li also presented examples of AI-powered touchpoints and media ecosystems through visual illustrations, offering students more profound insights into current trends and models.

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While acknowledging that large AI models still face challenges such as insufficient computing power and data, talent shortages, and regulatory risks, Mr. Li remained optimistic about their application prospects. He noted that AI models are expected to evolve towards higher emotional intelligence, intelligent agents, and new intrinsic developments, with emerging collaborative models like embedding. Quoting Bill Gates, who predicted, “Within five years, everyone will have an AI-driven personal assistant (Agent),” Mr Li highlighted the potential of intelligent agents as a key area for future exploration.

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In the concluding part of the lecture, Mr. Li addressed the impact of large AI models on future job markets and geographic trends. As AI technology becomes increasingly widespread, routine and standardized tasks in the workplace are likely to be replaced by AI. Employees will need to enhance their professional skills and abilities to leverage AI tools. Cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, and Wuhan are poised to become hubs of employment activity. At the same time, globalization trends will create opportunities for talent mobility.To navigate the rapidly changing job market, Mr. Li offered valuable career advice to marketing students: engage in continuous learning, explore new and interesting industries early, develop proficiency with AI marketing tools, choose employment regions based on personal preferences, and prioritize internships for practical experience. He encouraged students to prepare ahead, strengthen their employability, clarify career goals, stay passionate about learning, and stay attuned to industry developments.This lecture provided actionable guidance to students, empowering them to face future career challenges with confidence and poise.

Text:Li Yunya and Zou Dianyun

Picture and Review: Wang Qian
