The International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) recently announced that Associate Professor Jack Woo to receive the Best Reviewer Award at the coming IACMR 2023 Biennial Conference. The award recognizes his outstanding contribution to the conference as a reviewer. IACMR 2023 Program Chair said that his insightful comments and feedback were invaluable in helping them maintain the high standards of the conference and ensure the quality of the papers to be submitted. At the same time, they expressed their sincere appreciation for his dedication and hard work.

Introduction to International Academy for Chinese Management Research (IACMR)
The IACMR is a professional academic organization for scholars, students, managers and consultants who are interested in improving their knowledge of organizational management in the Chinese context. The main objective of the Society is to promote academic research in the field of business organization and management in the Chinese context. The IACMR has become recognized as the most authoritative world-class academic research organization for business management research in China.
Introduction to IACMR Biennial Meeting
IACMR’s 10th biennial meeting will take place from June 14th to 18th, 2023 in Hong Kong, China, hosted by Hong Kong Baptist University. The IACMR’s biennial meeting is the largest management conference in the Asia-Pacific region. With the lifting of travel restrictions, the 2023 Hong Kong Conference will bring together 1,500-2,000 management experts, academics and industry leaders to discuss and exchange views on China-related management issues. The IACMR conference attracted not only scholars from top business schools in China, but also many scholars from North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the Middle East. The biennial meeting activities include keynote speakers, symposium, conference paper presentations, panel discussions and professional development workshops. At the same time, there are also awards recognition for best research, best conference paper and reviewer.

Text/picture: Jack WOO