The Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting is one of the world's most premier events for scholarly engagement, and the largest gathering of management and organization scholars in the world. The Annual Meeting offers attendees a chance to expand research, network with colleagues, and disseminate knowledge addressing the 21st century’s most pressing challenges related to management and organizations. It is estimated to hold 1,500+ in-person sessions in Boston, United States.
Dr. Jack WOO, Associate Professor from our Business School, has been appointed as a conference paper reviewer for the 83rd AOM Meeting. Dr. Jack WOO reviewed conference papers in the Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Division. His review topics include technological change and technology life cycle; artificial intelligence and machine learning; and organizational design and open innovation.
Dr. Jack WOO has been actively engaged with international scholar community in the finance, technology, and management science domains. Besides contributes to scientific journal publication, he also reviews manuscripts presented in the top-ranked international conferences such as AOM and IACMR.

Text/picture: Jack WOO