First BS student goes to MCI Austria
Dean Holger Haldenwang's visit to MCI at the end of March 2022 brought a surprisingly successful result. The stage was set for the exchange of students between SZTU BS and MCI. And a short time later, the first student of BS He Xinyang (Xenia), who is currently enrolled in the 6th semester in the Business School of SZTU in the joint study program Design Economics with the College of Creative Design, will already go to Austria next semester as the first student despite the difficult pandemic period at our partner university MCI Management Center Innsbruck.
Xenia is thus the first in two respects, which actually corresponds with her previous academic achievements. She is the first BS student to go to Europe as an exchange student, and she is also the first student we are sending to partner MCI. And during her course of study so far, she has already won several prizes and shown well above-average performance.
BS is proud of Xenia and is sure that she is an outstanding and worthy ambassador of SZTU BS and as an icebreaker she is a role model for other students of SZTU BS. She will come back with enormously expanded knowledge, many new experiences. The BS wishes Xenia much success, many exciting new insights, new friends in her enlarged network.
Holger Haldenwang

Left: Dean Holger Haldenwang and Professor Wangwei from MCI

This is He Xinyang

This is Dean Holger Haldenwang