On 26-27 October 2024, Business School Associate Professor CHEN Hao and Associate Professor WANG Yunxia were invited by the Champion Foundation to attend “The 5th National Athletes Innovation and Entrepreneurship Workshop” in Beijing.
CHEN Hao shared the “2023 Athlete Entrepreneurship Report” and served as a roundtable discussant to discuss with experts from the field on “Athlete Entrepreneurship in the New Era:New Directions, Opportunities and Challenges”. Based on athlete entrepreneurs’ needs, WANG Yunxia shared and discussed with the participants on key concepts in financial management and the application of those concepts in real scenarios with a case.

Photo 1. CHEN Hao and Invited Guests.

Photo 2. CHEN Hao and Athlete Entrepreneurs

Photo 3. WANG Yunxiao and Athlete Entrepreneurs
The Champion Foundation (http://www.championfoundation.com.cn/) was established by Winter Olympic champion and IOC member Yang Yang together with the China Red Cross in May 2011 in Beijing. It dedicates to serve athletes and young talents in China to provide support and training to their career development outside of sports.
The press release of the event is availableatpeople.cn:http://sc.people.com.cn/n2/2024/1104/c345167-41030761.html
Text by Chen Hao, Wang Yunxia