On February 21, 2023,Regina Fang-Ying Lin,Associate Professor of Business School,was invited to give atalk at Guilin University of Electronic Technology in Guangxi. Professor Su, Zhi-Yigave an opening speech ofthe topic "The Impact of Chinese Real Estate Developers’ Agglomeration InvestmentBehaviouron Housing Price Stability and Urban Livability". The study useddata from269 cities in China over the past 20 years to analyze the spatial distribution of residential investment and housing prices, established a residential investment agglomeration measurement index, and established a spatial econometric model based on this. Under the setting of multidimensional spatial weight matrix, itshows that the impact of residential investment agglomeration on urban housing prices, and verified the regulatory role of residential investment agglomeration on housing prices through urban livability and market expectations.
At the end of the lecture, Professor Su Zhi-Yi made a summary, which was followed by warm applause, and the lecture came to a successful conclusion!

Text:Jie Chen
Figure: Fang-Ying Lin