On 28th October 2022, invited by the University of Applied Science and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Associate Professor Liu Gang delivered a seminar, entitled 40 Years of Opening Up: Economic Reforms in China to the students of the University of Applied Science and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. These students are from Switzerland, France, Japan, Mexico, Vietnam, Thailand, etc.
Dr Liu briefly introduced the background of China's reform and opening up to the students and reviewed China's reform and development achievements in the economy, agriculture, science and technology, education, medical care, and other aspects since the 1980s. Then, through the history of Shenzhen's development, Dr Liu led the students to experience the dramatic improvement brought by Shenzhen's reform and opening up. After this, he further discussed and shared with the students the opportunities brought by China's reform and opening up for the development of Chinese and foreign enterprises via showing the examples of Huawei, Haier, and Tesla. From Dr Liu's lectures, students have gained a deeper understanding of China's reform, opening-up, and achievements over the past 40 years.

Figure 1: Dr Liu is delivering the seminar to students
Text and Figure:Yao Wenxin
Proof: Liu Gang