In the northeast of Pingshan, near the "Pharmaceutical Cluster", the promising start-up companybio - loophas settled, which is engaged in the production of new packaging materials and the like from edible mushrooms in combination with other biological materials. This is a very interesting approach to have a 100% recyclable material and also in the near future to substitute at least partially the packaging materials derived from petroleum.
During a visit of professors of SZTU, June 29th,2022, the dean of the BS Prof. Holger Haldenwang introduced SZTU to the representatives of the company - the originator of the company is a professor from the South China Agricultural University in Guangzhou - and during this visit the range of cooperations was discussed.
Among other things, the BS is to help explore the possibilities of cooperation, especially with regard to researching relevant markets for this product line.
At the same time, the company was pointed out to be able to recruit creative and talented students as employees within the framework of internships for a certain period of time, at relatively short notice, who can be helpful in solving problems.
The cooperation with this company is exemplary for the Center of Circular Economy existing at the BS and led by Prof. Gordana Kierans and other colleagues within the BS, but also with other technical colleges such as College of New Materials and New Energies.

Text & Photo: Holger Haldenwang
Translation: Zhong Yiqi