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日期:2019-06-13 18:12资料来源: 点击数:

1. Corporate Venture Capital versus Cognitive Distances: Retaining Ownership of Reverse Innovation”.Strategic Management Society, Special Conference "From Local Voids to Local Goods: Can Institutions Promote Competitive Advantage?", Santiago, Chile.

2. Regional Dynamic Capabilities and the Pivotal Role of Universities: The Case of Bochum University. With U. Wilkens. Strategic Management Society, Special Conference "From Local Voids to Local Goods: Can Institutions Promote Competitive Advantage?", Santiago, Chile.

3. Research on Intellectual Capital Business Model and its practice in China—Case study in K Group. Journal of Comparative International Management Vol. 17:2.

4. The Opportunity to Chinese Enterprise in Foreign Direct Investment During the Period of Greece Economy Recovery . Asian Business and Information Management.

5. Research On Emotional Intelligence Management based on an Intellectual Capital Business Model-Case Study in K Group Enterprise in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province P. R. China . Asian Business and Information Management.

6.《AI 时代背景下智力劳动与知识价值研究-基于智力资本和神经经济学视角》,暨南大学出版社,2019;


8.《技术进步偏向、要素禀赋与物流业绿色全要素生产率》,北京工商大学学报:社会科学版, 2018, 33(2);

9.《中国物流产业的要素替代弹性及增长效应:1978—2015》,财贸研究, 2018(5);

10.《经济密度对城市规模与经济效率关系的影响—以中国地级及以上城市为例》,城市问题, 2018(4);



13.《中国物流产业要素替代及技术进步偏向选择》,软科学, 2017(10).
