2023.9.14 竹韵餐厅,19:00

晚上七点整,活动正式开始。商学院院长Prof. Dr. Holger Haldenwang致辞。他亲切地表示:希望各位教授可以轻松地交谈,互相分享,享受这个美好的夜晚。现场气氛轻松愉悦。


会后,来自德国的教授Dr.Pro. Eva Schuckmann表示,她十分开心能参加这次交流,和来自不同领域的教授交流研究和教学的经验,这是一个十分愉快的夜晚。
Dr.Pro. Eva Schuckmann from OTH
How did you feel about tonight's talk?
Eva: I actually really like the Wednesday evening event to meet some professors and teachers
of the staff at SZTU. So I think that was really nice and next time I would even hope to meet
them earlier because it's really interesting to exchange experiences in teaching and researching. So it was a really lovely get-together.
May you share your ideas and feelings for the SZTU International Week?
Eva: Regarding International Week in general, I think it's a great experience for both the
students and the staff of SZTU and also for us from other countries.
So personally, I had a lot of fun with my group and I think that they appreciated my lecture.
And I also appreciated a lot what I learned from my students. I think it was a nice exchange
and getting to know people from different countries. So, for both sides, I think it was valuable. And yeah, very nice experience. So, I really hope that you will do international weeks again in the future and um yeah, foster exchange relationships and joint activities between different nationalities